Important Tips and Tricks To Avoid Page Rank Drop

Checking on the web about the best way to revive back my page ranks as 3 of my blogs does'nt have any as of the moment. Those are my blogs that have their own domain and has been receiving a lot of review offers before but are now stagnant. Hope the following tips helps would help not only me but hundreds of bloggers who lost their PRs because of reviewing products and services on the net and those who are newbies to the blogging world.

1. Do not become discouraged.Always get some fresh ideas on what to blog.
2. Check your PR again with another PR checker. Some online PR Checkers are not accurate.
3. Do your research, and try to figure out the cause of your PR drop.
4. Improving on your site, will increase traffic and PR.
5. Reevaluate and consider a different approach

Some tips to gain pagerank again

* Diversify your traffic. Not only from Blogwalking, try to gain traffic from forum, community or maybe email.

* Provide quality information and free products or services that get ‘good word of mouth’ recommendations from your visitors. Content will always be king.

* Be extremely careful of any out-going links from your site. Don’t link to bad neighborhoods (link farms, banned sites, etc.) Google will penalize you for bad links so always check the PageRank of the sites you’re linking to from your site.

* Onsite SEO factors does have an influence on rankings — make sure your site is dressed to kill. Pay attention to keyword density, title descriptions, meta tags, alt tags and interior linking structure. If you can, optimize your site for all three major search engines: MSN, Yahoo and Google. But don’t stop there, also submit your site to the countless other smaller search engines on the web. It’s the old adage, don’t put all your eggs into the ever-changing Google basket or you’re probably turn your site and yourself into one desperate basket case.

* Keyword rich articles are some of the best examples of this method, placing them on high PR sites will filter Google traffic through these articles onto your site. It will also warm up these visitors before they reach your site and they will be more receptive to any of your site’s offering; never underestimate the power of the Pre-sell. Build enough of these links and a sudden drop in your own Google PR ranking won’t drastically affect your bottom line or the amount of quality traffic you are receiving.


Good day everyone! Sorry if I was'nt able to post anything for almost 3 weeks now. It's just that there comes a time in a blogger's life that he or she becomes unmotivated. Yeah, I've been through a tough time lately. It's nothing personal but it concerns my money making experiments. Currently, I am managing a total of 4 blogs... all of those have their own .COM domains, things are really working fine but since "the master" slapped my PR and left me with one PR1 blog domain...I started questioning and asked myself if I would continue this money making experiment of mine. I can't see the logic why "the master" punishes paid to post blog as it's just a kind of advertisement for all and I don't understand why paid to post site would only give out opportunities to those high PR blogs. I believe they do have their own explanations for that, I'm kind'a frustrated on how things are going lately. I know this is just a phase I think most of the bloggers experience, there are times when opps are overflowing...there are times, you can't even grab one. I just hope the trend would change and I could revive back my PRs soon. In as much as I want to forget about PR, those paid to post site seems much interested on those sites than those with none. Of course, I still manage to get some opportunities and still manage to post at least one entry a day but it should have been more if my blogs have hight PRs. So, to address this...I started working overtime and created 4 more niche is a health site, another is a beauty portal, a food blog and a showbiz portal. I hope my ventures with my 4 new blogs would be as successful as (or even more than) the previous 4 blogs I own. And with regards to my PR's... well I think I need to study about SEO further. If there is any school that offers such course, I would definitely enroll. There are a lot of opportunities on the net and all of these little frustrations and hardships plus some sleepless nights are nothing compared to the amount of money you could earn and the fulfillment it would give you because of doing the thing you love to do- BLOGGING. So to my dear readers... I am back! Now with high hopes and positive outlook to provide you bits and information about how to make money online the "blog earner's" way.

2nd Letter From A Reader

Hi everyone, sorry I was'nt able to post anything for the last few days because I have been sick. I had a flu which ate up 4 days of my precious vacation leave. Unfortunately, I will be back at work later this evening though I am still not yet fully recovered. Haaay...anyways, I want to share with you a letter I received from another reader who had some inquiries on how to make money online. Here it goes....

hey there.. mztah? btw tnx for linking me in your blog.. i'm jens*** nga pala.. hmmm.. you know what, i'm really interested in earning money through the internet/blog.. haay.. saka wala din kasi akong paypal.. i'm a student pa lang po, 20 yrs and i don't have my own bank account.. sigh.. poor me.. i guess hindi talaga ako pwede kumita through this.. hmmm.. i'm planning to make a new blog that will fit the criteria ng mga sites.. can you help me po? ano po ba dapat ilagay ko dun sa new blog na gagawin ko? sorry kung istorbo ako ha.. pero sana you can give me some tips..

here's my reply:

Hi sis, sorry for 4 days me trangkaso ako ... hindi ako makaupo for a long time kaya hindi ako mkaharap sa computer ko to work. by the way, to address your issue, here's some of my suggesstions.

let me quote you...
". i'm really interested in earning money through the internet/blog kaso hindi naman natatanggap un blog ko laging rejected.. haay.. i once joined the "pay per post" but i was rejected and then i also tried the smorty rejected din..."

i think the first thing you shoud work on is your page rank. For you to increase your page rank, you should get reasonably amount of links from your co bloggers and you should also take time to comment on their blogs once in a while. It would definitely increase your technorati and alexa ranking...btw, having a high technorati and alexa rankings would also help your blog get accepted from those money making sites. It takes time and patience (and timing?) for you to get the slot. Also, one tip I think would be helpful, I really suggest you to get your own blog domain if you are really serious in making money through your blog. It would only cost you $10 for the whole year (domain plus hosting) for that but believe me, once you have been accepted on those money making websites, you'll gonna earn not just 10x more than that, even 100x! Work on your blog for at least 3 months writing good quality posts, exchanging links, and commenting on different blogs to get backlinks and finally resubmit it on those sites..I assure you, you'll get the slot. Sorry, I am also learning here when it comes to optimizing my blogs but from my experience, those 3 factors helped me a lot especially in getting PR's (Page Rank).

"saka wala din kasi akong paypal.. i'm a student pa lang po, 20 yrs and i don't have my own bank account"
getting a paypal account is easy, all you need to do is to go to and just sign up. Then the next step na is to apply for an bank account in which you would associate with your paypal - I used Unionbank EON Card , I think that's the fastest way to get one. Just check on my post about How to Apply for an Eon Card and that's it... Once you already got your EON Card (which on my experience took me 1 month), most likely I've already finished my post about how to associate it with your paypal (lol). But don't worry, it's so easy and that's the final step.

" i'm planning to make a new blog that will fit the criteria ng mga sites.. can you help me po? ano po ba dapat ilagay ko dun sa new blog na gagawin ko? "
hmm... i don't know sis if I'm in a position to answer this coz' I'm still experimenting in my new niche blog. Actually, the topic I've selected is about practical soluctions in everyday's a portal that would give out tips to people about everything. In that way, I could tackle anything from home ideas, to food tips, to healthy lifestyle etc. By doing such, my topic would be broad and I could post a wide array of topic. I suggest you try to create a blog in which you could share your personal experiences and somewhat expertise to your readers.

making money online is not an overnight thing. It really takes time and effort to be a successful one. There would be times I get frustrated because things does'nt go my way...but just be strong and don't give up. Don't compare yourself with others who are earning a lot though not doing a lot of works on their blog...everything has a purpose and not everyone is made equal. Just work on with what you have and nurture'll see, in no time, you'll be able to see the fruit of your perseverance. I hope I was able to help you in my own little way. Just keep on reading my posts for more money making experiments from me. God Bless!


I've been experimenting on a new opportunity today...creating a niche blog. Actually, I don't really have any idea about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) that's the reason maybe why my other blogs does'nt get as much visitors as my other blogs with targeted keywords. Now I've learned that having a popular keyword that would lead people to your site would give you more visitors. Sorry, I think most of you already know that - but to be honest, only now did I fully understand the real essence of optimizing your website. I thought people who are earning from google adsense are those webmasters that really understand html codes and several programs ... but through browsing the internet and reading other money making blogs, I've learned that even stay-at-home mom who never knew about programming languages are earning from it - and it's all because of simple logic - more targeted keyword, more targeted visitors who would more likely to click on your adsense related to your site. BINGO! So what I'll gonna do is work on my keywords. There are several sites that would help us with that such as Yahoo Buzz and Google Trends. I am currently working on 2 niche sites ... one tackles about health and wellness and another one about cute but cheap gift suggestions. Hope this new money making scheme of mine would work. Would let you know but for now...I'll gonna post some articles related to my chosen topic and will let you know if it will work for google adsense. Furthermore, I am also looking forward to have advertisers that are willing to pay a few bucks for a month exposure to my site. Wow, hmmm...I hope I can make it and I hope I can have the strength to do it asap , my creative juices are not flowing very well these past few days so I need to really need to be inspired to make it good. Good luck to me! lol.


Just received an email from one of the readers, Sam, who happen to stumble upon my site and he does have some questions regarding how to make easy money online. And because I feel that most of my readers does feel the same way as he does - I've decided to post it here. I know that most bloggers are already fed up with money making schemes that gives them nothing but false promises...BUT believe me - THERE ARE SOME LEGITIMATE MONEY MAKING SITES THAT DEFINITELY PAYS! And I'll be more that happy to show you how was able to find that out. Here's the content of the letter I received and I hope through my response... others would be inspired as well (like Sam) to start anew with their search on how to make money through the net.


"Hi there!

Well, I browsed through your blogsite,, and find
your works very interesting. I am not a newbie in the Internet world, but I
think you are more successful than me in terms of
online-making-money-stuffs. I have already joined several PTC and affiliates
programs before but end up in nothing. I got tired of earning cents and
seeing no progress in that online business so I stopped a few months ago.

When I saw your blogsite, I really got excited in going back. Joining
several PTC programs never came to my mind. Right now, I dont want to ask
you several questions because I havent read the entirety of your blogsite.
But I have some basic questions that popped out when I reached your page.

- Are you a Filipino?
- If it is ok with you, can you tell me how far you've reached, in terms of
financial earnings?
- Did you already received the money physically?
- Do you have programs wherein you can guide interested and aspiring
- In short, can you help me out in starting all over again?

I will really appreciate your response to this email so as for me also to
know that you are a real entity and not just some other scammers.. Please do
tell me of your existence. Thank you in advance.""



"Dear Sam,

Hi there! I'll be more than happy to help and I thank you for visiting my site - and to address your are my response.

- Are you a Filipino?
*yes I am a Filipina, I'm based here in Manila Philippines and working fulltime in a call center somewhere in Ortigas Pasig

- If it is ok with you, can you tell me how far you've reached, in terms of financial earnings?
*actually if I would sum it all...I have earned around $2000 dollars since December. Well, I am really not paying attention to earning money online until March this year. If I only knew then that there are a lot of earning opportunities on the internet ... I would have started earlier.

- Did you already received the money physically?
*definitely. This is not sort of a scam whatsoever. All my earnings was sent through paypal in which i associated my unionbank eon card. Through Unionbank, I was able to withdraw the money and deposit it on my personal bank account

- Do you have programs wherein you can guide interested and aspiring
*im recently developing a site in which i could put in several business ideas that could help people succeed in business. I myself is a born entrepreneur but I still does'nt have enough money to put up a bigger business venture. Will post about it on my blogearner blog once finished.

- In short, can you help me out in starting all over again?
*of course, that's the reason why I put up a blog. First to help out and inspire others on how to make money online through legitimate sites. Second, I must admit, as a form of referral as well. In every referral I made from those advertisers, I get commissions. So I think I'm hitting two birds with one stone.

Rest assured that whatever I post on my site are legitimate and true. Please continue to read and visit my blog and if there's anything else I could do to assist you...please let me know.

Glad to help,
Myles "

I hope I was able to address all his questions and inquiries. Making money online is a legitimate work but of course, you need to look for those legitimate sites that offers it. I'm really not an expert regarding this and I bet, there are millions of people who earns a thousand more than what I am earning, but I am proud that I was able to learn all of these on my own...and I am sharing my failures and success to my readers. I would really be happy if I would be able to inspire at least one soul. If there's anything I could do to help you, please let me know and email me through Join me through this money making journey and subscribe to my feed now.

How to Apply for an EON Card

I admit... my experience with Unionbank is not that good... unfortunately, that's the easiest way to get a debit card which is accepted by Paypal. At that time, I really don't have any idea on how it works. Nobody ever guided me or walked me through the process...all I did is I sign up for Payperpost (as instructed by my friend Joedel) and when I've learned that I need to have a paypal account so payperpost could pay me ... I hurriedly signed up for one. Unfortunately there is a part on the registration process in which you need to associate a certain local account to your paypal. I got curious but I don't have anyone to ask as Joedel is most of the time offline (through YM that is) and no one from my few set of friends know anything about these things. I relied on google and online forums that tackles topics about paypal processes. I've learned through different forums that getting an Eon Debit Card is the fastest and easiest way to have a debit card. I hurriedly called Union Bank's Customer Service and asked how to apply for one. The Customer Service Representative informed me that I need to go to one of Union Bank outlets so I could fill out an application. The following day, after my shift - I hurriedly went to their Cubao branch to do as what the representative told me...unfortunately I came too early. I thought most of the banks opens at 9 am but the guard told me I need to wait for an hour more because they opens at 10 am. I am sooo sleepy and tired at that time as my shift ended at 7am. I just told myself that it's okey since I would soon be getting my debit card and would now be able to withdraw my hard earned money (by the way, I already have a hundred dollar on my unverified Paypal account which is equivalent to around php 4000 as $1=P40 at that time). Finally, at 10 am.. I hurriedly went to the counter and asked the representative that I would like to apply for an EON Debit Card...and to my surprise, the guy told me (coldly) that they are not giving out registration forms anymore and the application for an EON Card is done online. I almost collapsed after hearing that but still politely thanked the guy. There's no point in getting mad anymore, he could not help me anyway.

So I did as what the guy from Unionbank Cubao told me...I registered online by going to UnionBank website and registered online. As of this time, I think Union Bank is having some
upgrade (yeah, they should have) so they are requiring those who want to apply for one to go to the nearest branch.

Here's what you'll gonna see in their website.

"To our valued guests,
We apologize for the inconvenience. The Eon online application form is currently being upgraded to provide you with a more improved Eon CyberAccount Card. Watch out for the new Eon CyberAccount. Coming soon.
To apply for an Eon card, kindly visit your nearest UnionBank branch.
Thank you."

Just a tip, I suggest that you take note of your preferred branch's telephone number so you could follow it up. Application process usually takes 3 weeks and you will be notified through email (or mail) that you can now pick up your card. Before you pick it up, I suggest you first call the branch where you applied for the card just to make sure - click here for the list of their branch locations and contact numbers. The processing fee is php 350 and bring along 2 Identification Cards as well. I'll teach you how to associate that with your paypal account on my next post. Till then!

Sign Up for Paypal Now

So, you already created your very first blog. You have chosen the best template for your site and you are writing about the things you love the most - it's time to create a paypal account. It's a good thing Paypal already opened it's doors to its Filipino users. Paypal's official website now shows that Philippines can now send and receive payments through paypal and we are even given the opportunity to withdraw funds to a bank account in the US or to a credit, debit or prepaid card! Most of those money making sites offers payment through Paypal so I
bet you don't want to miss this part.


1) Choose Who to Pay?

* Select PayPal when checking out at online stores worldwide.
* Or use PayPal to send money to friends across town or on another continent.

2) Decide How to Pay?

* Pay directly from your PayPal balance or linked bank account.
* Or charge it to your credit card.

3) Payment Sent

* Stay safer - recipient gets the money without seeing sensitive financial details like your credit card or bank account numbers.
* Keep track of all your transactions on PayPal.

All you need to do is to log in to Paypal and sign up for a new account and you need to fill out an online registration form that would basically ask you about your Contact Information. Make sure that you have an existing email address that you could use to associate with your paypal account. Take note that most pay to blog websites would prompt you to put in your paypal address which is usually the email address you have tagged or associated with your paypal. After filling out all the neccessary information - you will be informed that you have now initially set up your paypal account. The next thing to do is to complete the registration by associating a card supporting paypal transactions. Of course you want to withdraw your hard earned money having your local currency. You won't be able to get your money unless you have one of those paypal supported accounts. You would better know how paypal works and how you can withdraw your money through it by going to paypal helpsite.

I have linked my paypal through my Union Bank EON Card. I guess for those people who does'nt want complications and does'nt want to submit several different documents just to have those paypal supported accounts - I really suggest you get those Paypal supported debit cards. I would teach you how I was able to apply for one and how I was able to successfully widthdraw my money through my EON Card on my next posts.

For now, make sure to subscribe to my feeds through your email and learn more about how I was able to make money even out of the most ordinary blog I have. Till next time!


make money online though blogearner

How to Create a Blog

So you already have a topic in mind and a possible title for your website. It's now time to meet Mr. Blogger. Log on to and the site would walk you through 3 easy steps on how to make a blog:

1) CREATE AN ACCOUNT - blogger will ask you to fill out a form asking you about your personal information

2) NAME YOUR BLOG - a part in which you need to put a title for your site. Blogger will inform you if the name of the blog you picked is already taken and would give you some title suggestions which is closer to the title you first selected.

3) CHOOSE A TEMPLATE - blogger does have a dozen of templates that you could use. You can select whatever template would suit the website you want to create. You could customize your site by downloading free blogger templates available on the internet but I suggest you first use those default template until such time you are already familiar with blogger software.

after prompting you to select a template...blogger will ask you if you already want to create a post (or blog entry) and once you click the link... you will now be creating your first blog post. I suggest you make your first entry as an introduction page. Tell your readers about yourself and what you want to achieve in making your blog. Through this, readers would know more about you and what drive you to create your website.

- make money online through blog earner -

Thanks Mr. Blogger!

I would like to show you how I started it all. I admit, I am not so familiar with so many blogging applications (actually I am only familiar with one, haha!) – thanks to Mr. Blogger. There are a lot of free blogging websites available such as , , , etc but for novices like me…I really suggest you to use blogger software. Besides, master Google manages this site so you are assured that you are placing your blog in good hands. I have only one complaint about a blogger sponsored blog– it does’nt allow you to add a new page to your existing blog (unlike wordpress). You can add a tab in your blog but you need to link it in a post you’ve made within the blog itself. But generally, its fine. Actually, I think this is the easiest way to learn how to blog as the interface is user friendly. You just need to learn how to identify different functions of each page elements and you’ll be fine. Besides, you can start by getting a blogger blog – your website would have a domain extension – eg: you want to name your site starsareblind – then the url you’ll gonna need to access your website would be "" (depending on its availability).

I specifically made this blog for those people who have a little or no idea at all on how to make a blog and how to make money out of it that’s why I am speaking generally in layman’s term or in the simplest term I can. So please bear with me dear readers if I tend to emphasize on certain words that I feel a newbie can’t understand unless I make an example out of it. I am also not very good in English grammar so if there is any grammatically incorrect words or phrases…please bear with me as well.

Ok, first things first – you need to know what topic you’ll gonna use to start a blog. I suggest you write about things that you are knowledgeable of. For example, you’re good in doing beaded accessories…you can post things that would help others on how to make a cute charm bracelet and post pictures of your creation. If you are someone who is very fond of reading books, you could write a blog showing brief summaries of those books and give your recommendations. Or if you are a teacher of music – you can write about things associated with music. You can write Any topic that you feel you are capable of sharing to others, anything that interests you…or if you feel you have nothing to offer or have no specific topic in mind…you can write a personal blog. More like an online diary. It’s not so hard to do as you would only put in things that you have in mind. Anything goes. You can share your happiness, bitterness, anger, excitement and other emotions though it. Just be yourself. I myself started with a personal blog and I’m happy I did. Whenever I read my previous posts on that blog, I remember old memories that most likely I would not remember if I was’nt able to take note of it. So if you have no specific area of interest – stick with a personal blog.

Secondly, you need to think of the perfect title of your blog. Of course, you need to think of a word that would be of relevance to the topic that you would pick. If for example you picked writing about how to make a beaded accessories – you might want to pick “beadmaker” , therefore your website would have a url (or website address) (if its still available). I’ve read an article before that the shorter the name of your website, the better. Besides the fact that people would most likely remember a one word website address like than a three word site with the same title , they said Google will most likely give you a credit for having a shorter one. Any website would want to have the approval of master Google as it is the authority that gives out page rank on a particular site. I’ll gonna tackle all I know about page rank on my next posts. Just remember that a higher pagerank means a higher website credibility at least at Google’s eyes.

So you already have the topic and a name of your website in mind…it’s time to have the ball rolling...

Piece of Advice

Before we start, I want you to know your goals. Making money online is not that easy. You need to be patient but positive. You need to have a certain goal so as to make sure that you will not lose hope when things don’t go the way you want it to happen. I tell you, I myself had a very hard time at first but as I learn to enjoy the pleasure of writing a certain topic that interests me…I manage to be patient and take one step at a time. So relax, and just go with the flow.

- make money online through blogearner -

How It All Started

The door of opportunity was opened for me the day I was able to chat with my good friend Joedel , he is my former officemate at this website company that features everything about sports and hobbies (snorkeling, etc) He is my seatmate and we would normally talk about how we want to earn extra as our salary from that company is not enough. We would often chat about the pleasures of having to work from home without the husless and bussles of manila traffic – being able to manage your own time, having more time with family and other recreational activities – not having a very authoritative superior (like what we had at that time, lol) and just taking full control of your life. We would normally exchange ideas until it’s time for me to leave the company due to personal and monetary reasons. I can’t work in a company that pays so little and what’s worse - makes me feel unappreciated. I took a job in a call center and was very happy that I did.

Anyways, after a long time without communication, I was able to chat with Joedel. I’ve learned that he already resigned from our previous company and is very happy with his decision. He mentioned earning money online and told me that he is now working at home. I was so happy that he is able to do those things we thought would only be a dream. He thought me how he did’nt walked me through it as my work schedule is mostly on graveyard shift. I’ve learned everything I know about paid blogging through my own research which worked for my advantage. I’ve searched for different websites that tackles such subjects but was’nt able to find a one stop site that would give me a step by step instruction on how I could start doing it. I’m fortunate that I am already maintaining a blog for years before I learned about this scheme…but for those people who are not really familiar on how a blog works and how to start getting one… I bet you’ll gon’na need to travel a rough road.

This is the aim of this site, to give each and everyone of us an opportunity to earn extra. In our present situation – simultaneous oil price increase, rice issues, unemployment –we need to look for an extra source of income to meet the needs of our family. With just about 1 to 2 hours a day in front of your computer – you could earn a certain amount of money enough to pay your monthly utility bills, enough to cover your daily transportation or food budget or even earn enough for you to quit your full time job! That’s also my ultimate goal…who knows?! But for now…let’s discover different ways to earn money online.

make money online through blogearner


Hi there, thank you for visiting site. I am a Filipina, working in a call center and a part time blogger. I blog about everything that catches my attention for fun and for money as well. I started making money through my blogs December of 2007 – 3 months after I bought a second hand computer from a friend. I really don’t have a plan of buying one, it’s just so happen that a former officemate and a friend told me through yahoo messenger that he already quit his job from my previous company to pursue being a work at home professional. I got curious. He said that he would teach me how to do it but first I need to have a computer and a reliable dsl connection.

I used to work for a website company for three months and I was able to meet a friend who later introduced me to this scheme on the net in which i could earn a few dollars just by posting reviews for a particular product. i am such a tech novice and it took me a month to finally figure out how i could do it. good thing i already have an existing blog using a free blogspot domain – (and it does have a PR3 at that time). I started blogging at that site since 2004 as my college buddies (Ruthie aka angelofthewaters and Malen aka mynosebleed) told me to create one. I don’t know what a blog means at that time and they just said that it’s an online diary. They said it’s a way for us to update each other with what is happening in our lives even though we don’t get to see each other that much.

I started creating my first blog entry on July 15,2004 and I remember blogging about how I want to turn my blog as a way of reaching out to others and glorifying God through it followed by a very personal blog entry (all about my new boyfriend at that time – which is still the present love of my life)…that’s it. Nothing much. I don’t even know at that time how I could reach out to others through it because I am just putting in my daily life activities and how in love I am with my boyfriend. Only now did I realize that it’s a preparation for a bigger purpose – it’s one simple way of familiarizing myself with the blogger software how a blog works. As of this time, I am managing 4 different sites (plus of course this one). 3 of which I am currently earning a minimum of php 4,000 monthly (for each) and is still expecting an increase of income by joining other programs.

I put up this blog to help people know the in’s and out’s of making money online from a novice’s point of view. I want ordinary people to understand how I’ve learned about it and how I manage to understand the process. One don’t need to be a computer wiz nor a master of the English language to earn money through online blogging (hey, look at my grammar, it’s horrible haha). All you just need to have is a very positive attitude and heart that is willing to learn.

Join me as I discover new ways of earning money through online blogging… I hope through this, I could fulfill my mission of pleasing the One who sent me…

make money online through blogearner

disclosure policy

Disclosure Policy

This policy is valid from JUNE 25 2008

This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.

The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post may not always be identified as paid or sponsored content.

The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers’ own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.

This blog does contain content which might present a conflict of interest. This content may not always be identified.