"Hi there!
Well, I browsed through your blogsite, http://www..blogearner.net/, and find
your works very interesting. I am not a newbie in the Internet world, but I
think you are more successful than me in terms of
online-making-money-stuffs. I have already joined several PTC and affiliates
programs before but end up in nothing. I got tired of earning cents and
seeing no progress in that online business so I stopped a few months ago.
When I saw your blogsite, I really got excited in going back. Joining
several PTC programs never came to my mind. Right now, I dont want to ask
you several questions because I havent read the entirety of your blogsite.
But I have some basic questions that popped out when I reached your page.
- Are you a Filipino?
- If it is ok with you, can you tell me how far you've reached, in terms of
financial earnings?
- Did you already received the money physically?
- Do you have programs wherein you can guide interested and aspiring
- In short, can you help me out in starting all over again?
I will really appreciate your response to this email so as for me also to
know that you are a real entity and not just some other scammers.. Please do
tell me of your existence. Thank you in advance.""
Well, I browsed through your blogsite, http://www..blogearner.net/, and find
your works very interesting. I am not a newbie in the Internet world, but I
think you are more successful than me in terms of
online-making-money-stuffs. I have already joined several PTC and affiliates
programs before but end up in nothing. I got tired of earning cents and
seeing no progress in that online business so I stopped a few months ago.
When I saw your blogsite, I really got excited in going back. Joining
several PTC programs never came to my mind. Right now, I dont want to ask
you several questions because I havent read the entirety of your blogsite.
But I have some basic questions that popped out when I reached your page.
- Are you a Filipino?
- If it is ok with you, can you tell me how far you've reached, in terms of
financial earnings?
- Did you already received the money physically?
- Do you have programs wherein you can guide interested and aspiring
- In short, can you help me out in starting all over again?
I will really appreciate your response to this email so as for me also to
know that you are a real entity and not just some other scammers.. Please do
tell me of your existence. Thank you in advance.""
Hi there! I'll be more than happy to help and I thank you for visiting my site blogearner.net - and to address your inquiries...here are my response.
- Are you a Filipino?
*yes I am a Filipina, I'm based here in Manila Philippines and working fulltime in a call center somewhere in Ortigas Pasig
- If it is ok with you, can you tell me how far you've reached, in terms of financial earnings?
*actually if I would sum it all...I have earned around $2000 dollars since December. Well, I am really not paying attention to earning money online until March this year. If I only knew then that there are a lot of earning opportunities on the internet ... I would have started earlier.
- Did you already received the money physically?
*definitely. This is not sort of a scam whatsoever. All my earnings was sent through paypal in which i associated my unionbank eon card. Through Unionbank, I was able to withdraw the money and deposit it on my personal bank account
- Do you have programs wherein you can guide interested and aspiring
*im recently developing a site in which i could put in several business ideas that could help people succeed in business. I myself is a born entrepreneur but I still does'nt have enough money to put up a bigger business venture. Will post about it on my blogearner blog once finished.
- In short, can you help me out in starting all over again?
*of course, that's the reason why I put up a blog. First to help out and inspire others on how to make money online through legitimate sites. Second, I must admit, as a form of referral as well. In every referral I made from those advertisers, I get commissions. So I think I'm hitting two birds with one stone.
Rest assured that whatever I post on my site are legitimate and true. Please continue to read and visit my blog and if there's anything else I could do to assist you...please let me know.
Glad to help,
Myles "
I hope I was able to address all his questions and inquiries. Making money online is a legitimate work but of course, you need to look for those legitimate sites that offers it. I'm really not an expert regarding this and I bet, there are millions of people who earns a thousand more than what I am earning, but I am proud that I was able to learn all of these on my own...and I am sharing my failures and success to my readers. I would really be happy if I would be able to inspire at least one soul. If there's anything I could do to help you, please let me know and email me through myles@emotera.com. Join me through this money making journey and subscribe to my feed now.
great one Myles. Thanks for the info.
hi, $2000 in what currency? n what is your visitors per day?
it's nice to recieve this kind of messages as it makes you feel confident. just share what you think have worked for you so far. thanks for informing me
Beyond The Rave Reality
Computer and Electronics
Personal Blog Money
Seek Health. Feel Great
Thanks for sharing this blogearner, very inspiring. have a great day
Ester's Embracing Health
Ester's Health Blog
Brief Sentiments
wow, congrats and God bless.
I agree with you. Just like you I've also earned a lot from the internet including PTC sites.
Although I'm still waiting for the payouts that will come from several PTC sites I've been with, there are still a legit bunch.
OMG lucrative siya ah, i wanna learn how!
Thanks ms. carlota! God Bless!
"Anonymous Carlota said...
great one Myles. Thanks for the info."
Hi eunice! The currency is US Dollar. I am really not very specific about how many people are visiting my blog. I dont really pay attention to that..there are times I don't see any new comment on my post for a week - which I feel just shows my blogs are not so popular. I don't get my earnings solely on my blogs...there are also some income from PTCs.
"eunice said...
hi, $2000 in what currency? n what is your visitors per day?"
your welcome and no problem. Yup though Im really not an expert on this, its nice to receive letters informing you how you inspire them. =)
"Blogger anneberly said...
it's nice to recieve this kind of messages as it makes you feel confident. just share what you think have worked for you so far. thanks for informing me"
your welcome annerberly...people like you makes me feel Im doing something good here. thanks!
"anneberly said...
it's nice to recieve this kind of messages as it makes you feel confident. just share what you think have worked for you so far. thanks for informing me"
your welcome. Hope I've imparted something useful. thanks!
"Anonymous Bloggers recollections said...
Thanks for sharing this blogearner, very inspiring. have a great day"
I just hope a lot of people would know about this especially the unemployed. They just need to invest for a good computer and dsl - and a lot of opps awaits them to earn money online too. I hope we all could spread the word.
"Gem said...
I agree with you. Just like you I've also earned a lot from the internet including PTC sites."
I'll show you how leviuqse, just stick around. =)
"leviuqse said...
OMG lucrative siya ah, i wanna learn how!"
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