Good day! I want to give you some updates on what happened to me those past few weeks and what decisions we've made with regards to our small biz:
1) we just decided to call it off...why? First, the owner did not give in to our request of cutting P500 off the rent. We also studied the feasibility of a food business and surveyed the area where we'll gonna put it up and verified that since it is a residential area and the place is not really crowded with people, we might fail.
2) My SSS salary loan application is still pending and I HATE IT! Thought I already was able to pay in full the remaining balance I have, it took sometime for them to post it on my account... and my first loan application was denied because of that. It was supposed to be an additional capital for the biz.
3) I also does'nt have the time and the energy to start such a strenuous activity. Things are not going really well in the office lately. The company has so many new policies and I really feel kind'a stressed out and it burns out all my energies. I really feel this is not the best time for us to venture into a new business.
4) Last but not the least, my sister who is the owner of the house we live in is coming home for a vacation along with her family. As you all know, my sister is the one paying for the house rent. She asked us to take care of her house and her things and in return, she will be the one to pay for the house rent of P5,500/month. Since she is coming back from Singapore on December... I am not so sure if she is still willing to pay for our house bills as our landlord told us she will increase our rent. If her decision would be to stop paying for the rent, I don't think I would still. Besides the fact that the house is 3 rides away from where I presently work, I think buying my own house would be a more logical option - I would just need to apply for a Pag-ibig Housing Loan.
I know I tend to change my mind so easily. I guess I'm a compulsive type of person and I don't really think very well before I come up to a decision. It's a good thing that I can "think aloud" through this blog. All I plan to do right now is to focus on my blogs and to my online job so I can save enough money and be my own boss in 2012.
I would write about my online job on my next post. Seems everything is back to normal now as I am already receiving a lot of review tasks. Will keep up updated, till next time!
Do you know that I almost lost my hope in earning money online and is on the brink of giving up this blog? This feeling of discouragement started when I lost my PR on my main blog and started getting fewer reviews opps. It's because the main THEME of this site is to show everyone how to earn money through blogging - and I felt, I failed. Well, I still get some review opps but my income is not as high as what I used to get last year. I only get around 4-5 thousand pesos monthly which I feel is just okey but still fall short of my target monthly blogging income. But it's a good thing that I came into realization that this is the perfect time to blog about the ups and downs of a blogger's life. It's not always sunny day and we should always stand to our feet quickly whenever we one noble man said " ONE WHO FEARS FAILURE LIMITS HIS ACTIVITIES. FAILURE IS THE ONLY OPPORTUNITY TO MORE INTELLIGENTLY BEGIN AGAIN...". And so here I am...taking my chances again and creating 7 more exciting blogs and I hope this time - there would be nowhere to go with my online venture but upward. Amen!
Ive learned so many things about the do's and dont's of writing a niche blog, how to get a high PR and how to maintain it. BALANCE is the key word. I would also show you some articles on how to get extra income, where to get part time jobs and recent job openings especially in the call center industry. Everything about earning and money - BLOGEARNER would have it all.
Hopefully I can make this blog as user friendly as possible as I intend to reach out to Filipino people who wants to earn money fast online to support their family. It is really possible to earn money at home through blogging. I would like to help young people who wasnt able to finish their studies because of poverty, people who lost their jobs, and people who wants to be a stay at home professionals, like me.
Comments and Questions are always welcome!
Ive learned so many things about the do's and dont's of writing a niche blog, how to get a high PR and how to maintain it. BALANCE is the key word. I would also show you some articles on how to get extra income, where to get part time jobs and recent job openings especially in the call center industry. Everything about earning and money - BLOGEARNER would have it all.
Hopefully I can make this blog as user friendly as possible as I intend to reach out to Filipino people who wants to earn money fast online to support their family. It is really possible to earn money at home through blogging. I would like to help young people who wasnt able to finish their studies because of poverty, people who lost their jobs, and people who wants to be a stay at home professionals, like me.
Sirs and Mams - I would like to present to you a new and improved....
Comments and Questions are always welcome!

A Realization
Opportunity knocks only once - and if faith allows you to have one...never let it fly away. I knew that fully well - only after I missed the chance. I learned about earning money through blogging from my former officemate Joedel and at first...I really earned a lot. Maybe because I already have a PR3 blog at that time before I've learned that I could monetize my blogs. But things changed when I lost my PR - opportunities became fewer to the point that I am only getting one opp for the whole week. I lost hope...I became lenient and really lost my hope of getting more opps which prompts me to just write whenever needed especially if I won a bid over an opps. I've learned that when things get worse - that's the time you work double time.
Now I'm back. I want to be a better blogger or should I say a better person. I am now willing to get back all the things I've lost. I will work extra hard this time and my goal is to save for my future business venture through my online earnings... I would like to retire within the next three years and I need to have enough savings to start a new life. I promise myself I would work extra hard this time... I wont wait until tomorrow for things I could do today. I hope you could walk with me through this new journey and I hope I could give you better ideas on how to earn money online!
Now I'm back. I want to be a better blogger or should I say a better person. I am now willing to get back all the things I've lost. I will work extra hard this time and my goal is to save for my future business venture through my online earnings... I would like to retire within the next three years and I need to have enough savings to start a new life. I promise myself I would work extra hard this time... I wont wait until tomorrow for things I could do today. I hope you could walk with me through this new journey and I hope I could give you better ideas on how to earn money online!

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