Opportunity knocks only once - and if faith allows you to have one...never let it fly away. I knew that fully well - only after I missed the chance. I learned about earning money through blogging from my former officemate Joedel and at first...I really earned a lot. Maybe because I already have a PR3 blog at that time before I've learned that I could
monetize my blogs. But things changed when I lost my PR - opportunities became fewer to the point that I am only getting one opp for the whole week. I lost hope...I became lenient and really lost my hope of getting more opps which prompts me to just write whenever needed especially if I won a bid over an opps. I've learned that when things get worse - that's the time you work double time.
Now I'm back. I want to be a better blogger or should I say a better person. I am now willing to get back all the things I've lost. I will work extra hard this time and my goal is to save for my future business venture through my online earnings... I would like to
retire within the next three years and I need to have enough savings to start a new life. I promise myself I would work extra hard this time... I wont wait until tomorrow for things I could do today. I hope you could walk with me through this new journey and I hope I could give you better ideas on how to earn money online!