Checking on the web about the best way to revive back my page ranks as 3 of my blogs does'nt have any as of the moment. Those are my blogs that have their own domain and has been receiving a lot of review offers before but are now stagnant. Hope the following tips helps would help not only me but hundreds of bloggers who lost their PRs because of reviewing products and services on the net and those who are newbies to the blogging world.
1. Do not become discouraged.Always get some fresh ideas on what to blog.
2. Check your PR again with another PR checker. Some online PR Checkers are not accurate.
3. Do your research, and try to figure out the cause of your PR drop.
4. Improving on your site, will increase traffic and PR.
5. Reevaluate and consider a different approach
Some tips to gain pagerank again
* Diversify your traffic. Not only from Blogwalking, try to gain traffic from forum, community or maybe email.
* Provide quality information and free products or services that get ‘good word of mouth’ recommendations from your visitors. Content will always be king.
* Be extremely careful of any out-going links from your site. Don’t link to bad neighborhoods (link farms, banned sites, etc.) Google will penalize you for bad links so always check the PageRank of the sites you’re linking to from your site.
* Onsite SEO factors does have an influence on rankings — make sure your site is dressed to kill. Pay attention to keyword density, title descriptions, meta tags, alt tags and interior linking structure. If you can, optimize your site for all three major search engines: MSN, Yahoo and Google. But don’t stop there, also submit your site to the countless other smaller search engines on the web. It’s the old adage, don’t put all your eggs into the ever-changing Google basket or you’re probably turn your site and yourself into one desperate basket case.
* Keyword rich articles are some of the best examples of this method, placing them on high PR sites will filter Google traffic through these articles onto your site. It will also warm up these visitors before they reach your site and they will be more receptive to any of your site’s offering; never underestimate the power of the Pre-sell. Build enough of these links and a sudden drop in your own Google PR ranking won’t drastically affect your bottom line or the amount of quality traffic you are receiving.
Great post, I would ask for a link back, but my blog is not a high ranking site. I did link to your post though. I will bookmark for future reference. I hope you get your blog roll up again, good luck.
thank u r information
it very useful
u r blog Is very nice
hmm great tips my friend. I will keep all of these in mind. Have a great day
Ester's Health Blog, Brief Sentiments, Ester's Embracing Health, Concealed Mind
thanks for sharing this helpful information on how to gain page rank.
care to link ex?
thank's a lot for info sharing. Nice reference ^_^
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