Sign Up for Paypal Now

So, you already created your very first blog. You have chosen the best template for your site and you are writing about the things you love the most - it's time to create a paypal account. It's a good thing Paypal already opened it's doors to its Filipino users. Paypal's official website now shows that Philippines can now send and receive payments through paypal and we are even given the opportunity to withdraw funds to a bank account in the US or to a credit, debit or prepaid card! Most of those money making sites offers payment through Paypal so I
bet you don't want to miss this part.


1) Choose Who to Pay?

* Select PayPal when checking out at online stores worldwide.
* Or use PayPal to send money to friends across town or on another continent.

2) Decide How to Pay?

* Pay directly from your PayPal balance or linked bank account.
* Or charge it to your credit card.

3) Payment Sent

* Stay safer - recipient gets the money without seeing sensitive financial details like your credit card or bank account numbers.
* Keep track of all your transactions on PayPal.

All you need to do is to log in to Paypal and sign up for a new account and you need to fill out an online registration form that would basically ask you about your Contact Information. Make sure that you have an existing email address that you could use to associate with your paypal account. Take note that most pay to blog websites would prompt you to put in your paypal address which is usually the email address you have tagged or associated with your paypal. After filling out all the neccessary information - you will be informed that you have now initially set up your paypal account. The next thing to do is to complete the registration by associating a card supporting paypal transactions. Of course you want to withdraw your hard earned money having your local currency. You won't be able to get your money unless you have one of those paypal supported accounts. You would better know how paypal works and how you can withdraw your money through it by going to paypal helpsite.

I have linked my paypal through my Union Bank EON Card. I guess for those people who does'nt want complications and does'nt want to submit several different documents just to have those paypal supported accounts - I really suggest you get those Paypal supported debit cards. I would teach you how I was able to apply for one and how I was able to successfully widthdraw my money through my EON Card on my next posts.

For now, make sure to subscribe to my feeds through your email and learn more about how I was able to make money even out of the most ordinary blog I have. Till next time!


make money online though blogearner

How to Create a Blog

So you already have a topic in mind and a possible title for your website. It's now time to meet Mr. Blogger. Log on to and the site would walk you through 3 easy steps on how to make a blog:

1) CREATE AN ACCOUNT - blogger will ask you to fill out a form asking you about your personal information

2) NAME YOUR BLOG - a part in which you need to put a title for your site. Blogger will inform you if the name of the blog you picked is already taken and would give you some title suggestions which is closer to the title you first selected.

3) CHOOSE A TEMPLATE - blogger does have a dozen of templates that you could use. You can select whatever template would suit the website you want to create. You could customize your site by downloading free blogger templates available on the internet but I suggest you first use those default template until such time you are already familiar with blogger software.

after prompting you to select a template...blogger will ask you if you already want to create a post (or blog entry) and once you click the link... you will now be creating your first blog post. I suggest you make your first entry as an introduction page. Tell your readers about yourself and what you want to achieve in making your blog. Through this, readers would know more about you and what drive you to create your website.

- make money online through blog earner -

Thanks Mr. Blogger!

I would like to show you how I started it all. I admit, I am not so familiar with so many blogging applications (actually I am only familiar with one, haha!) – thanks to Mr. Blogger. There are a lot of free blogging websites available such as , , , etc but for novices like me…I really suggest you to use blogger software. Besides, master Google manages this site so you are assured that you are placing your blog in good hands. I have only one complaint about a blogger sponsored blog– it does’nt allow you to add a new page to your existing blog (unlike wordpress). You can add a tab in your blog but you need to link it in a post you’ve made within the blog itself. But generally, its fine. Actually, I think this is the easiest way to learn how to blog as the interface is user friendly. You just need to learn how to identify different functions of each page elements and you’ll be fine. Besides, you can start by getting a blogger blog – your website would have a domain extension – eg: you want to name your site starsareblind – then the url you’ll gonna need to access your website would be "" (depending on its availability).

I specifically made this blog for those people who have a little or no idea at all on how to make a blog and how to make money out of it that’s why I am speaking generally in layman’s term or in the simplest term I can. So please bear with me dear readers if I tend to emphasize on certain words that I feel a newbie can’t understand unless I make an example out of it. I am also not very good in English grammar so if there is any grammatically incorrect words or phrases…please bear with me as well.

Ok, first things first – you need to know what topic you’ll gonna use to start a blog. I suggest you write about things that you are knowledgeable of. For example, you’re good in doing beaded accessories…you can post things that would help others on how to make a cute charm bracelet and post pictures of your creation. If you are someone who is very fond of reading books, you could write a blog showing brief summaries of those books and give your recommendations. Or if you are a teacher of music – you can write about things associated with music. You can write Any topic that you feel you are capable of sharing to others, anything that interests you…or if you feel you have nothing to offer or have no specific topic in mind…you can write a personal blog. More like an online diary. It’s not so hard to do as you would only put in things that you have in mind. Anything goes. You can share your happiness, bitterness, anger, excitement and other emotions though it. Just be yourself. I myself started with a personal blog and I’m happy I did. Whenever I read my previous posts on that blog, I remember old memories that most likely I would not remember if I was’nt able to take note of it. So if you have no specific area of interest – stick with a personal blog.

Secondly, you need to think of the perfect title of your blog. Of course, you need to think of a word that would be of relevance to the topic that you would pick. If for example you picked writing about how to make a beaded accessories – you might want to pick “beadmaker” , therefore your website would have a url (or website address) (if its still available). I’ve read an article before that the shorter the name of your website, the better. Besides the fact that people would most likely remember a one word website address like than a three word site with the same title , they said Google will most likely give you a credit for having a shorter one. Any website would want to have the approval of master Google as it is the authority that gives out page rank on a particular site. I’ll gonna tackle all I know about page rank on my next posts. Just remember that a higher pagerank means a higher website credibility at least at Google’s eyes.

So you already have the topic and a name of your website in mind…it’s time to have the ball rolling...

Piece of Advice

Before we start, I want you to know your goals. Making money online is not that easy. You need to be patient but positive. You need to have a certain goal so as to make sure that you will not lose hope when things don’t go the way you want it to happen. I tell you, I myself had a very hard time at first but as I learn to enjoy the pleasure of writing a certain topic that interests me…I manage to be patient and take one step at a time. So relax, and just go with the flow.

- make money online through blogearner -

How It All Started

The door of opportunity was opened for me the day I was able to chat with my good friend Joedel , he is my former officemate at this website company that features everything about sports and hobbies (snorkeling, etc) He is my seatmate and we would normally talk about how we want to earn extra as our salary from that company is not enough. We would often chat about the pleasures of having to work from home without the husless and bussles of manila traffic – being able to manage your own time, having more time with family and other recreational activities – not having a very authoritative superior (like what we had at that time, lol) and just taking full control of your life. We would normally exchange ideas until it’s time for me to leave the company due to personal and monetary reasons. I can’t work in a company that pays so little and what’s worse - makes me feel unappreciated. I took a job in a call center and was very happy that I did.

Anyways, after a long time without communication, I was able to chat with Joedel. I’ve learned that he already resigned from our previous company and is very happy with his decision. He mentioned earning money online and told me that he is now working at home. I was so happy that he is able to do those things we thought would only be a dream. He thought me how he did’nt walked me through it as my work schedule is mostly on graveyard shift. I’ve learned everything I know about paid blogging through my own research which worked for my advantage. I’ve searched for different websites that tackles such subjects but was’nt able to find a one stop site that would give me a step by step instruction on how I could start doing it. I’m fortunate that I am already maintaining a blog for years before I learned about this scheme…but for those people who are not really familiar on how a blog works and how to start getting one… I bet you’ll gon’na need to travel a rough road.

This is the aim of this site, to give each and everyone of us an opportunity to earn extra. In our present situation – simultaneous oil price increase, rice issues, unemployment –we need to look for an extra source of income to meet the needs of our family. With just about 1 to 2 hours a day in front of your computer – you could earn a certain amount of money enough to pay your monthly utility bills, enough to cover your daily transportation or food budget or even earn enough for you to quit your full time job! That’s also my ultimate goal…who knows?! But for now…let’s discover different ways to earn money online.

make money online through blogearner


Hi there, thank you for visiting site. I am a Filipina, working in a call center and a part time blogger. I blog about everything that catches my attention for fun and for money as well. I started making money through my blogs December of 2007 – 3 months after I bought a second hand computer from a friend. I really don’t have a plan of buying one, it’s just so happen that a former officemate and a friend told me through yahoo messenger that he already quit his job from my previous company to pursue being a work at home professional. I got curious. He said that he would teach me how to do it but first I need to have a computer and a reliable dsl connection.

I used to work for a website company for three months and I was able to meet a friend who later introduced me to this scheme on the net in which i could earn a few dollars just by posting reviews for a particular product. i am such a tech novice and it took me a month to finally figure out how i could do it. good thing i already have an existing blog using a free blogspot domain – (and it does have a PR3 at that time). I started blogging at that site since 2004 as my college buddies (Ruthie aka angelofthewaters and Malen aka mynosebleed) told me to create one. I don’t know what a blog means at that time and they just said that it’s an online diary. They said it’s a way for us to update each other with what is happening in our lives even though we don’t get to see each other that much.

I started creating my first blog entry on July 15,2004 and I remember blogging about how I want to turn my blog as a way of reaching out to others and glorifying God through it followed by a very personal blog entry (all about my new boyfriend at that time – which is still the present love of my life)…that’s it. Nothing much. I don’t even know at that time how I could reach out to others through it because I am just putting in my daily life activities and how in love I am with my boyfriend. Only now did I realize that it’s a preparation for a bigger purpose – it’s one simple way of familiarizing myself with the blogger software how a blog works. As of this time, I am managing 4 different sites (plus of course this one). 3 of which I am currently earning a minimum of php 4,000 monthly (for each) and is still expecting an increase of income by joining other programs.

I put up this blog to help people know the in’s and out’s of making money online from a novice’s point of view. I want ordinary people to understand how I’ve learned about it and how I manage to understand the process. One don’t need to be a computer wiz nor a master of the English language to earn money through online blogging (hey, look at my grammar, it’s horrible haha). All you just need to have is a very positive attitude and heart that is willing to learn.

Join me as I discover new ways of earning money through online blogging… I hope through this, I could fulfill my mission of pleasing the One who sent me…

make money online through blogearner

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Disclosure Policy

This policy is valid from JUNE 25 2008

This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.

The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post may not always be identified as paid or sponsored content.

The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers’ own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.

This blog does contain content which might present a conflict of interest. This content may not always be identified.